Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Register for Fall Meeting

ECW is hosting a Tea for the Diocese to bring awareness to Gifts & Scholarships on Saturday, October 5th at Church of the Epiphany from 2-4. This is a fund raiser and the cost is $30, additional contributions are welcome! Please RSVP by October 2nd to Katiesj2007@comcast.net 

Our Fall Meeting will be hosted by Auqia Episcopal Church on Saturday, October 12, 2024. The Rt. Rev Gayle E. Harris is our keynote speaker. Click here for Registration_Flyer_ECW_Fall_Meeting.docx Please register by 10/1/24. Click for Local_Hotels_Stafford.docx information.

Mail Registration to Aquia Episcopal Church ECW - PO Box 275,  Stafford, VA 22555-0275

Any questions contact President Ericka Masias at erickamasias@outlook.com